Anritsu MT9083A
Master OTDR
Optical fibers are a key technology
in today s modern communications systems, including access networks such as
FTTx, CATV, and optical LANs. Moreover, optical-fiber technologies are playing
increasingly important roles in mobile communications and digital broadcasting
systems. Technicians maintaining these diverse systems are forced to carry a
large variety of test equipment on-site, including OTDRs, Light Sources,
Optical Power Meters, Visible Light Sources, etc., as well as a notebook
computer for evaluating the FTTx QoS. On the other hand, fiber construction
requires measuring instruments with different functions and performance. As an
example, FTTx access networks use single mode (SM) fiber whereas optical LANs
use multimode (MM) fiber. In addition, core and backbone networks utilize long
fibers while optical access networks use short fibers, both requiring different
types of measuring instruments with different performance. But now Anritsu s
new line of MT9083A ACCESS Master OTDRs solves all these problems by providing
all the measurement functions and performance required for optical fiber
construction and maintenance in a compact, lightweight, all-in-one unit that
eliminates the burden of carrying many different test sets and instruments
on-site. Whatever your work, construction or maintenance, long haul or
intra-building, Anritsu has an MT9083A model for your needs.
Key Features
Key Features
- Ready to test in less than 15 seconds…and all day without recharging
- Specialized testing modes simplify operation
- High resolution and high dynamic range ensure thorough and complete fiber evaluation
- Intelligent analysis software identifies problem splices, connectors and even macrobends
- Rugged, sealed design provides years of service in the most challenging environments
- IP testing option verifies throughput, frame loss and point-to-point connectivity
- Test up to four wavelengths with a single unit - single mode, multimode or both
- Unique in-service testing without the need for external filters
Semua Barang kami Bergaransi Resmi dan Harga pun
Relatif Murah.
- Bebas biaya antar
untuk wilayah Tangerang, Jakarta, dan Depok
- Menerima Pengiriman
Luar Kota maupun Luar jawa
- Barang yang kami
jual NEW 100% dan bergaransi resmi.
- Dapatkan harga
special untuk pembelian lebih dari 2 Unit.
Kami pun menerima REPAIR semua macam merk SPLICER, OTDR, Site
Master dan alat TELKOM lainnya.
Contact Person :
Office :
Jl. Hartono
Raya, Modernland Tangerang 15117
Telp / HP : - (021) 55782056 – 57 (Ext.105)
Fax :
(021) 55782058
E_Mail :
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